Raptor or Guardian?

(This post contains only documented facts. It’s not a conspiracy theory.)

A falcon is a raptor, a bird of prey, a hunter. Many rich Arabs from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates engage in falconry.

The falcon is mentioned in the Quran, according to one English translation. Verse 5:4 "Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you. You train them according to GOD's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention GOD's name thereupon.”

Bill Clinton missed a few chances to kill Osama bin Laden. One of those opportunities was at a rural Afghanistan hunting camp. It was February 1999. The strike was called off because Osama was hunting with United Arab Emirate princes.

Clinton didn’t want to kill the royalty hanging out with bin Laden.

Later that year, on November 6, 1999, NORAD conducted an exercise. It involved a plane flying coast to coast, west to east, from LA to JFK. It was to be hijacked by five terrorists. If not intercepted, the hijacked aircraft intended to crash into the United Nations building.

The name of the exercise was Falcon Indian. It was surprisingly similar to 9/11. 

The flights on 9/11 were scheduled to fly coast to coast, from east to west.

There were five terrorist hijackers on each 9/11 plane that hit a target. There were five hijackers in the Falcon Indian exercise.

The Falcon Indian plane intended to crash into a building. Three of the 9/11 planes DID crash into buildings.

Two other Falcon Indian exercises were conducted by NORAD on June 5, 2000. One hijacked plane intended to crash into the Statue of Liberty. The other intended to crash into the White House.

NORAD trains so they know what to do if something happens. That’s why the Falcon Indian exercises were implemented. But on 9/11, NORAD was ineffective. They didn’t even fly alongside the hijacked aircraft. One purpose of the training, according to General Richard Myers, was to practice “hijack shadow and/or escort procedures”. Those are the general’s own words.

NORAD conducted two other exercises in 2000. One was on October 16 and one was on October 23. Each exercise involved a plane crashing into the UN building. These exercises were named Vigilant Guardian.

On September 11, 2001, NORAD was again conducting exercises named Vigilant Guardian. It was a coincidence that they were carrying out hijacking exercises on the exact day of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

A military magazine named “Space Observer” listed the date for the exercise in its March 23, 2001 issue. Global Guardian, which includes Vigilant Guardian, was scheduled for October 2001. That would make sense, since the 2000 Vigilant Guardian exercises were held in October.

No one knows when or why Vigilant Guardian was moved up to September 11, 2001. We do know that it caused a lot of confusion that day. It was difficult for the military personnel monitoring the hijacked planes to tell the difference between the simulated hijackings and the real ones. There was a disturbing question asked by one of them on that morning: “Is this real world or exercise?”

The training exercises being conducted on 9/11 received very little media attention. No one knows if the attacks could have been stopped if Global Guardian had taken place on any other day, or in October, when they were originally scheduled.

We know the public was lied to.

On page 17 of the 9/11 Commission report it says “The threat of terrorists hijacking commercial airliners within the United States – and using them as guided missiles – was not recognized by North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) before September 11”.

This is a lie. The Commission report was issued on July 22, 2004. NORAD’s Falcon Indian took place on November 6, 1999. The information about it came out, probably by accident, in August, 2004. It’s available for anyone to read on the US government’s printing office website.

General Myers or his office was the source of the information. It was included in the written questions section of the transcript of “Hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, August 16 and 17, 2004”.

On October 23, 2001, General Richard Myers was discussing the 9/11 attacks and said “You hate to admit it, but we hadn’t thought about this.”

In June, 2004, General Ralph E. Eberhart of NORAD made a statement to the Commission: “We considered flights taking off within the U.S. and Canada as friendly by origin.”

He also said “We had procedures for potential air hijackings, which were based on the premise that a hijacked aircraft would be used for ransom or political purposes, not as a weapon.”

Here is the exact wording used to describe Falcon Indian:
Exercise Name: Falcon Indian 00-1
  Exercise Date: 6 Nov 99
  Participants: CONR/Sectors
  Scenario: China Air from Los Angeles to JFK airport hijacked east of Colorado Springs by five terrorists. If not intercepted, intends to crash into United Nations building.
  Synopsis of actions: Cross-sector hand over. Exercised command and control, coordinated with external agencies and followed hijack checklists.

From August 1998 to February 2000, General Myers was Commander in Chief of the North American Aerospace Command (NORAD).

General Eberhart became Commander in Chief of NORAD in February 2000.

Generals Myers and Eberhart both lied. There is no doubt that they lied about the NORAD training exercises conducted before 9/11. Only they know why.

John Farmer, senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, claims that military officials also lied about their response to the attacks on 9/11. He stated that what they told Congress, the media and public “was almost entirely and inexplicably untrue”. He wrote a book about the lies after the Commission report came out.

Was NORAD playing the part of raptor or guardian?   

Here is a link to the NORAD exercises. You have to scroll way down almost to the end.

There is more to the story. Another part of the military, the JFIC, named the EXACT targets of 9/11. They discussed them in a briefing in the summer of 2000.

Bush continued reading to school children on 9/11 after he was told “America is under attack”. The story ended with the phrase “more to come”.

Comments please.  

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